Friday, August 26, 2005

It's Over

My search, that is. After querying a few agents, the one at the top of my list wrote back and set up a date & time we could talk by phone. We exchanged information (rather, I gave him info about my situation -- I'd already done my homework and knew enough about him to know I'd love to have him on my team), and he offered to represent me! Yay! I now have an agent.

Next step: Jeff will review the publishing contract and make sure it's fair and equitable to both parties. It's a well-established fact that (in general) publishing contracts are written to benefit the publisher. He'll let me know what changes he'd like to suggest, and with my thumbs up, he'll contact the publisher directly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen!
I have been reading your blog and I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. May this be only the beginning!

This is a great little blog. Thanks for posting and giving the rest of us a guide for what's up ahead.

maria z.