Thursday, December 29, 2005

Another blurb!

A couple months ago, I'd written to author Piers Anthony to ask if he'd be willing to read my novel and, if he likes it, write a short blurb for the cover. He responded that he was too busy with his WIP, trying to meet a deadline, to do it right then, but if early December would work, he could do it then.

So, I wrote him about the middle of the month and asked if it was a good time. He replied that yes, he could read it now. Now my heart really began to race. Oh boy! But... what if he hates it? What if he thinks it's dumb? But I couldn't back out now, so I sent him the PDF galley (mistakes and all), and held my breath.

He replied on Christmas eve with a very nice letter pointing out a few errors and made some positive comments about the story. Apparently, he liked it! I forwarded his email to my publisher, who exerpted the quote for my book's web page. The letter started off with:

"The Kinshield Legacy is a rousing good fantasy tale, with nice characterization and some ferocious action. These days I read primarily for business rather than pleasure, but I found myself eager to return to this novel."

Woot! Woot! Woot!

1 comment:

Sarah Mäkelä said...

I'm so incredibly happy for you!